Throughout the past 366 days, we have once again focused how to delight ourselves in the Lord through His Word.
Psalm 37:4 “Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.” I pray that someone’s life was changed as a result of the Truths that have been studied…even if it was only mine. For over four years now, I have written a daily devotional that has been posted on our website. Through each of the 5 themes, God has worked in my heart in ways I have never experienced before. However, for now, I will be taking a break from the daily posts in an effort to devote more time to a few projects the Lord has birthed within my heart, which include publishing volume 3 & 4 of the She Bible study series, making our VBS material, “Roman’s Road Trip” available to churches, and also developing our next theme for the online daily devotional which I am so very excited about. Hint… it will, Lord willing, go hand-in-hand with the She series. As to when the daily online devotionals will begin to post again, no time period is definite. My prayer is, Lord willing, to once again continue this online resource as soon as He directs me to do so. There may be sporadic posts as the Lord gives them or a period of silence until the new theme is revealed. This was not an easy decision; however, this is how I feel the Lord is leading. He has confirmed it by bringing peace through the reading of His Word. To every reader, whether faithful or occasional, I say thank you. Thank you for delighting in the Lord, allowing Him to order your steps onto our website, and walking in the Wisdom of His Word, together with other women of the Bible. For those asking, here is a Bible Reading Schedule and Bible Reading Checklist for you to use as the Lord leads. Also, the previous posts will still be available online should you desire to use them. Simply use the Archives column or Search bar to navigate to a specific post. I would also like to answer a question I have been asked countless times this year, and that is to tell you, Lord willing, “Delight Thyself Also In The Lord – Volume 2” will be releasing in print October 1, 2021. It will also include some never before read material. More details will be available soon, or sign up to receive updates. So for now, stay tuned… Mark 6:31 “And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while…” - Allison
January 2021
Philippians 4:17Copyright © 2020
Delight Thyself Design Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved. |